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No matter the size or nature of your business, one thing that remains the same is the need for business insurance. There are many different aspects of your business that you’ll want to take into consideration when looking for new business insurance – or reviewing your current insurance coverage. And this guide you will find description of the most common types of business insurance.
This type of policy covers the business in the case of a claim or lawsuit that arises from injuries, accidents, or negligence. Covered claims may include bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, slander or false advertisement. This insurance provider covers all covered expenses including legal representation except for punitive damages.
Once the first employee has been hired, Workers’ Compensation insurance should be added to a business’s insurance policy. This will cover medical treatment, disability and death benefits in the event an employee is injured or dies as a result of his work with that business. Even if employees are performing seemingly low-risk work, slip-and-fall injuries or medical conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome could result in the pricey claim.
A business owners policy packages all required coverage a business owner would need. Often, BOP will include business interruption insurance, property insurance, vehicle coverage, liability insurance, and crime insurance. Based on your company’s specific needs, you can alter what is included in a BOP. Typically, a business owner will save money by choosing a BOP because the bundle of services often cost less than the total cost of all the individual coverages.
This type of insurance is also known as Errors and Omissions insurance. The policy provides defense and damages for failure to provide or improperly rendering professional services. Your General liability policy does not provide this protection, so it is important to understand the difference. Professional liability insurance is applicable for any professional firm including lawyers, accountants, consultants, notaries, real estate agents, insurance agents, technology providers to name a few.
If a business uses vehicles in the normal course of business, they will require commercial auto insurance. In addition to covering personal injury and property damage, Commercial Auto insurance covers the business for loss of use in the case of an accident.
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